Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Approaching the Day!!

As Transitus (the eve of the passing of St Francis to eternal life) and the Feast of St Francis get closer, I am feeling more and more a sense of belonging to the OFS (Order of Franciscans Secular), a desire to simplify my life, a hunger for the Gospels, and a certain feeling of  being "set apart",  if that makes sense. Last Friday, Sep. 19, I had my interviews with the Fraternity Council and Father John, a First Order priest, who traveled up from Denver to meet with us, share a meal, and talk with me about the Order. It helped me to tell him and the Council of my journey of faith up to this point. Even though I know my own journey, it helped me to hear it, as I explained my desire to join the Order, my feeling of belonging, and  a feeling of possessing that Franciscan "spirit" in some small way all of my life.

Even though I would have liked to have been able to pick the readings for the Mass where I will make my profession, it really doesn't matter that much that I will not be able to, it being a Sunday Vigil,  because I am glad to make this profession  where my fellow parishioners will be able to see that there are opportunities for  vocation for everyone in the church. I want my profession itself to be a witness of the Gospel life right out of the box,  my first act of evangelization as a Franciscan. I am inviting only a handful of people who know me and have shared in my journey since I moved to Rapid City. I want these dear friends as witnesses as I enter the Order.

I covet your prayers and I make my final preparations.

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